
HINJ Co-Sponsors New Jersey Health Care Stakeholders Summit

More than 100 professionals attended the New Jersey Health Care Stakeholders Summit held on April 27 at the New Jersey Hospital Association (NJHA) headquarters in Princeton.

The day-long event was co-sponsored by HINJ, the Medical Society of New Jersey (MSNJ), the New Jersey Association of Health Plans (NJAHP) and NJHA. Participants included representatives of HINJ member companies and the sponsor organizations, along with policymakers, health care stakeholders, patient representatives, business leaders and journalists.

Dr. Harold Paz, Chief Medical Officer of Aetna, deliver the keynote presentation. The morning panel discussion provided “An Environmental Assessment of Healthcare: Where We’re Going Nationally.” The panelists were from America’s Health Insurance Plans, the American Hospital Association, the American Medical Association and PhRMA.

The New Jersey Health Care Stakeholders Summit, held on April 27 on Princeton, drew more than 100 participants.

The afternoon topic, “New Jersey’s Health Care Ecosystem: Impacts to Our Home State,” was discussed by a panel of association presidents composed of Cathleen Bennett of NJHA, Larry Downs of MSNJ, Dean Paranicas and Wardell Sanders of NJAHP.

You can read stories about the event in New Jersey Business and also NJSpotlight.